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Writing Portfolio


The coronavirus wasn’t my problem. And then came the onset of symptoms.

I started to feel like COVID-19 was not my problem and not affecting my community. I never imagined I would find myself with a PPE-clad doctor sticking a swab up my nose.


The way I am handling coronavirus - and I'm sure everyone else is, too - is... interesting. To say the least.

Life was predictable. Thanks to my obsessive personality, my calendar was beautifully blocked out and color-coded so I never missed an assignment or meeting, and I was never surprised by anything... Until I was.


Why Journalism Matters: A Case Study on "Spotlight"

We've all become familiar with the term 'Fake News' (and if you haven't, how does it feel to be blissfully unaware of our nasty politics - I'm jealous). Fake News makes it so journalists have to work twice as hard to get people to listen to their facts, and even then people can just claim that it's fake and refuse to believe it.


5 Queer Resources Worth Checking Out In NOCO

Moving somewhere new as an LGBTQ+ person can be scary. You never know if you'll be accepted with open arms or chased out of town. Luckily, with a little research, it's become easier and easier to find a place that will celebrate everyone for who they are.

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Graduating into COVID-19's World

Three months ago, Devynn Ritchie was just your average college senior. She had a schedule filled to the brim with clubs, classes, and work. More than anything, she was anxiously counting down the days until she walked across the stage and accepted her diploma... But that was before COVID-19.


FOCO's Lack of LGBTQ+ Community - What Does It Mean For Queer People?

When people think of Colorado cities that are great for LGBTQ+ people to live in, Fort Collins is usually not one to come to mind. There's only a small handful of advocacy and resource groups in Fort Collins, and people working in them have begun to notice a glaring lack of community.


Rethinking the Modern Classroom with Jalen Waltman

Everyone knows the cycle of high school classes that seem intent on putting you to sleep. Jalen Waltman puts all of those stereotypes to rest in her classroom by using her unique one-of-a-kind teaching style.


Fuzzy Friends Providing Therapy

The transition from high school to college is notoriously difficult for young adults to handle. It's made even more difficult if a student has a mental illness. But emotional support animals can greatly offset these burdens.


The Best Way FOCO Can Support the LGBTQ+ Community: Safe Spaces

No one is a stranger to the heated discussion about safe spaces. Are they pointless? Are they coddling people and creating ill-prepared youth? Are they discriminating against white, able-bodied cishet men? The answer to all of these questions is actually quite simple: no.

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